CasActiva COP20

<<  see the Rio JungleHouse2.0

COP18 and 19 shifted across the equator and during this time, i continued to journey across South Africa’s coastline. Completing my PDC (Permaculture Design Course) in 2013 again shifted my reality, and in this instant, gave me new eyes to see the world. The design methodology appealed to me, and being eager to test both it and myself, i used the methodology to design things besides gardens ( Music Festival – Temporary Tipi Village, Kids UpCycling Festival). These were also the days of the “Gypsy Caravan/Pirate Ship” Tour, travelling across the coastline of South Africa, linking permaculture spaces and nature conservancies/ indigenous forests, while experimenting with decentralised seed banks pinned to a cryptocurrency running on the Blockchain. The influence of my PDC  had on the JungleHouse project is documented on this blog.

In mid 2014, while based on a tiny organic farm in Stellenbos, South Africa, the hive mind of our group was activated, and several late nights later, the JungleHouse2.0 ‘Tree that showered seeds’,cocooned through the Long Winter of Discontent, evolved and emerged at COP20 in Lima, in the form of the artivist house CasActiva. The house was a partnership between several organisations and was in a sense, not a JungleHouse per say, as it was not truly autonomous. The house had two main modes of functionality, facilitating connections and creativity through available space (meeting rooms, creative spaces, art room), as well as developing further, the art of people from different backgrounds, languages and agendas coming together and learning to love and live with each other, in a space of communal trust, self awareness and nurturing development (the TierrActiva crew and partner crews used parts of the house as their communal living/learning space).

arthouse lima


The house in Lima [JH2.713A] was set up again primarily to support local resistance and creative forces and again, supporting those building bridges between the inside and outside factions. The house was a unique interaction between TierrActiva (Peru and Bolivia), itself a beautiful product of – The Global Power Shift. The house was used a central hub for local artivist groups, international organisations needing space to have meetings, workshops and to create art, meeting spaces for larger assemblies over strategy and documentation, a spider connector for visiting activists to connect to a local (Latin American) network of unique and activated individuals.


The house was known as CasActiva, and embedded itself in the legends and tales of the Latin American response to climate change and art activism. Partners included Caravan Climatica,the Yasunido’s,  Bloque Hip Hop crew (mad respect to the youth of Lima using hip hop to address the globalization incursion in this region), the Lima POP20 crew, and the usual suspects of nature defenders, free ajents, artists, activists and anarchists pushing for ‘System Change, not Climate Change’.

These pictures below were snapped by many peoples whose names i dont remember or never knew… They’re mostly here to re-create the vibrant nature of this project and the Day of Action especially.


tierractiva logo

This slogan was the anthem of Lima, the one sound that the people gathered together under, a common cause to unite the struggles for freedom and sovereignty among tribes of Earth. Still, it itself needed an evolution, a fresh growth point, a new node to yield a new flower. Most of the COP20 actions and activities, when not focused on local actions, concerns, issues, and cosmology, was firmly on the prize of COP21 in Paris. Indeed, the first dreams for the Paris house(s) began on a bus rumbling through the dessert just north of Lima.

The COP20[ JH2.713A ] did still provide support for ‘Inside’ actions, as well as the dream of the bridge to connect the Inside to the Outside directly. The reduced focus on this was a reflection of the dis-trust with the official process that is now contagious and spreading through all sectors, divisions and oppositions within this global circus show.  As with almost everything that happened in Lima, this turned out be part of the Road to COP21  in Paris.


>> Forward to the houses of Paris COP21